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Is Sweat Amount Proportional to Workout Intensity?

Workout Inetnsity

It is very common to sweat and link the amount of sweat to the intensity of the workout. Is it actually proportional? CNN Health published an article discussing this topic. I have summed up the main points in this blog post. workout

Background on Perspiration

When your body temperature rises, your eccrine glands secrete sweat, and the evaporation of moisture from your skin helps you cool off. Of course, sweating can occur for other reasons, such as stress or fear.
That type of perspiration comes from the apocrine glands, which are located mainly in the underarm and groin.
The author the continues to explain that the amount released during exercise has different factors including:
  • gender -> men tend to perspire more than women
  • age -> young people perspire more than older people
  • weight -> larger people may perspire more because they generate more heat
  • fitness level -> fit people tend to sweat faster during workouts and in larger quantities than people who are less fit.

He then continues to explain other factors. I encourage you to read the full article because its just a golden, educational read.

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