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Sweat: 4 Reasons to Start Sweating Now

Sweat: The Fastest Way to Eliminate Toxins from Your Bodysweat

Doctors and scientists agree we should sweat everyday as part of our daily routines. Sweating is a powerful way your body your body helps heal itself.  It plays a fundamental role in the expulsion of toxins from the body. Here is a list of a few toxins it helps eliminate:

Persistent Organic Contaminants (solvents, pesticides, and insecticides)

A study conducted with 20 participants published in BioMed International Research found that pesticides DDT/DDE, endosulfan, methoxyclor, and slow. Almost all the original compounds of these pesticides were found in sweat indicating that it to expunge these substances from the body.


Which is found in many plastics, are also eliminated through perspiration.

A study published in the Scientific World Journal evaluated blood, sweat and urine samples. All those samples had something in common: MEHP. The concentration of this toxin in the perspiration sample were double that of blood and urine samples. This lead them conclude that sweating is the best way the body has to eliminate these compounds that affect the endocrine system.

Heavy Metals

In more perspiration studies, researchers found that perspiration eliminated higher amounts of heavy metals. The metals with the highest concentrations were: aluminum, zinc, copper, and nickel.

BPA: Bisphenol A

Investigations presented in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health examined blood, urine and sweat samples of 20 individuals in search for BPA. The found that sweat is the most effective way of eliminating the accumulation of BPA in the body. BPA is a interrupter toxin of the endocrine system found in canned products, water bottles, and other products.

There are many different activities that we can do to encourage the body to sweat. From sports, to dancing, to hiking. There are many possibilities as to how we can sweat and keep an active lifestyle. Steam showers are a low-impact alternative for sweating.

This has been a summary of an article published by Deanna Minich. To read the full article click here.

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