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Why Do Young Hearted People Live Longer?

Young Heartedyoung hearted

CNN Recently published an article about health an longevity claiming that people who feel younger at heart live longer. I have posted the main points in this blog post.

If those fibbers truly believe that they are younger than what it says on their birth certificate, a new study shows they are among a group of people who have a lower death rate.

The new research letter is published in JAMA Internal Medicine online.

The study looked at data from from 6,489 people with an average age of 65.8 years who reported that they felt a little less than 10 years younger. What’s interesting is most people in the study didn’t feel like their actual age. Most said they felt about three years younger. Only a tiny percent, some 4.8%, felt at least a year older than their actual age.

“Research is showing us that personality can so be tied to your destiny,” Bergquist said.

New research into the link between personality and aging finds that there are two main traits that seem to help people live a longer life: conscientiousness and optimism.
People who have both traits may have more of a will to do the right thing to live a healthy lifestyle that can keep them healthy long into old age.
The questions that remains now is: Are you young hearted?
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