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Women’s Health Tips: Find Out Here!

Women’s Health TipsWomen's Health Tips

As a woman, it is very important to take care of one’s body, mind and soul. Most of us are constantly stressing over some situation. Others, are figuring out ways to support their children. Whether its children, family, or pets we can’t focus on them so much that we end of forgetting about our health. We must find a middle ground and take care of ourselves while we take care of others.

I’ve gathered different tips from around the internet to help you take care of your health.

Check for Breast Cancer (Everyday Health)

You should be on the lookout for any changes in your breasts and report any concerns to your doctor. All women 40 and older should get a yearly mammogram as a mammogram is the most effective way of detecting cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.

Manage Stress (Everyday Health)

Managing your mental health is important to your physical well-being. Stress can have threatening consequences to your life from infertility to high risk of depression, anxiety and heart disease. You also can manage stress with exercise, relaxation techniques, or meditation.

Stop Dieting (WebMD)

The key to eating healthy is moderation. Vary your protein intake, health carbs and fiber.

Do More Cardio (Prevention)
Get a great workout in 10 minutes

Too busy for the gym? No problem. Just 10 minutes can burn nearly 100 calories and boost your energy level by up to 18%. Try this compressed routine from Jessica Dart, personal training manager at Equinox Soho in New York City:

Minutes 0:00-0:59: Climb stairs (walk, run, or sprint)

Minutes 1:00-1:29: Do reverse lunges with overhead presses (lunge backward, lifting arms overhead with each lunge; alternate sides).

Minutes 1:30-2:00: Do squats.

Repeat the circuit 4 more times. Beginners may want to incorporate 30 seconds of rest between each cycle.

Have good sex (WebMD)

“Sex reduces stress and may lower the risk of chronic disease — but only if you enjoy it. If anything prevents you from sexual fulfillment, such as dryness or pain, talk to your doctor to find a solution.”

Don’t Skip Breakfast (Women’s Health)

An early start on eating also keeps your metabolism more active throughout the day; breakfast eaters are thinner than people who just rush out the door.

Get a Cholesterol Test (Health)

Many women worry a lot about breast cancer, when, in fact, heart disease is the number-one killer of women.

We hope these women’s health tips have helped you out in some way. Here at Absorb Health we have a variety of different supplements to help you out with your different feminine needs including beauty products!

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