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Nootropic Herbs: Bacopa, Huperzine A, Ginkgo and More

Nootropics are known as a type of compound or food that have the ability to improve the mental abilities, including memory, focus, motivation and even mood. The herbal nootropics also carries phytochemicals which improves mental performance. These nootropic herbs are known to be powerful that is why a lot of companies use them in their supplement mixes.

Types of nootropic herbs

  • Bacopa monnieri- This is an ancient ayurvedic herb is known to be an all around brain optimizing herb. This herb is best for students as it promotes knowledge retention, increase mental performance and also a calm and clear mindset. It works in giving multiple brain support that benefits the circulation and also gives brain cell protection. It enhances learning, mood balance and mental processing speed that also help in fighting stress and brain degeneration.
  • Vinpocetine- It has an impressive amount of positive clinical results for boosting brainpower. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that boosts the blood flow to the brain and also delivers oxygen and nourishment. It also boosts concentration, attention and memory; it said that one should use only 5 mg of Vinpocetine.
  • Huperzine-A- This is a nootropic herb that is known to enhance brain chemical, mental energy and brain cell regeneration. It is a brain chemical that is used for learning, memory and quick thinking. This is mostly used for Alzheimer’s and it is a prescriptive drug that gives a quicker boost for memory and mental performance. It is also great for nootropic stacks because it is effective in small doses.
  • Ginkgo biloba- This is known to be world’s most popular memory booster because of its brain supportive effects. It works by increasing brain circulation, helping oxygenate and also energize neurons. It also clears away toxins and delivers other brain nourishing nutrients. Ginkgo is also known to supply brain cell protective antioxidants. It is mainly helpful in age related memory issues; high doses of ginkgo are known to sharpen the attention fast within a few hours.
  • Citicoline- This boosts brain circulation energizes and regenerates brain cells, floods brain with neurotransmitters. It also optimizes the brain for quick thinking, sharp memory, peak mental processing and also better attention span. It in a way helps in long term brain health in the future.
  • L- Theanine- This is the compound in green tea that makes one feel mentally energised, clear and calm. It helps the brain stay focused and relaxed; it is also a stress buster, helps in focus sharpening especially in students, professionals and creative’s. It is said the dosage should be 200 mg and up for sharper results which relax the mind.
  • Ginkgo biloba- This is known to be world’s most popular memory booster because of its brain supportive effects. It works by increasing brain circulation, helping oxygenate and also energize neurons. It also clears away toxins and delivers other brain nourishing nutrients. Ginkgo is also known to supply brain cell protective antioxidants. It is mainly helpful in age related memory issues; high doses of ginkgo are known to sharpen the attention fast within a few hours.
  • DMAE- It helps in repairing and maintaining brain cells while also supplying brain cell protective antioxidant activity. It helps in focusing, maintaining concentration, mood and learning. This is known to have several brain boosting effects.

So these are the nootropic herbs that are really helpful and should definitely be used for brain power.

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