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What is Celery Seed? A Review of Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosage

What is Celery Seed? A Review of Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosage

If you’re looking for a spice that deserves a couple of ounces of storage space inside your kitchen cabinet, then you should heavily consider putting in some celery seeds. At its core, it won’t bring an explosion of flavors in your favorite food recipes, but it’s one of the most sought-after spices because of its versatility.

What can you expect regarding the taste of celery seeds? Well, if you already know what celery tastes like, then there’s not much to expect. Therefore, if you’re looking for a spice that’ll knock your socks off, then this is not the one that you might be searching. It tastes a bit sweet and slightly bitter, and it’ll also add a slight chlorophyll flavor to anything it touches. However, just because it has an ordinary taste doesn’t make it any worse than all the other spices out there. People are still craving for celery seeds because of its nutritional properties.

What is Celery Seed?

Celery seeds are a type of spice that you can put on your food recipes, and that may be the most basic definition that you can get out of the product. It can impart flavors without accompanying any fibrous chunks that some individuals might find to be unpleasant. Celery stalks, on the other hand, will retain that stringy quality and texture when they’re cooked, and these properties can detract subtle dishes such as soups. With the use of celery seeds, you won’t run into any of the problems that celery stalks might bring to your recipes.

Celery Seed may help with anxiety and nervousness

As mentioned in a previous segment of this post, celery seed won’t bring an abundance of additional flavor to your dishes, but it does carry a good amount of advantages. Two benefits that celery seed is most famous for are its abilities to help with anxiety and nervousness.

Celery Seed side effects

Using celery seed may also impart some adverse effects to some individuals. In fact, reports indicate that it can bring skin rash and additional sensitivity to sunlight. Furthermore, taking larger doses of celery seed than recommended can cause fatigue, depression, and slow heartbeats. It’s even possible to acquire an allergic reaction when consuming foods with celery seed. If you’re unsure if you can acquire allergic reactions from the consumption of celery seeds, then it’s best to consult your doctor first.

Celery Seed benefits

Despite the inclusion of side effects, there are many benefits to using and consuming celery seed. For one, it’s prized for its cancer-fighting abilities. Studies show that celery seed has some active components that can help in dealing with cancerous tumors such as phthalides and polyacetylenes. Another benefit to consuming celery seed is it can help individuals in managing blood pressure levels.

Where to buy Celery Seed

You can head to a local grocery or health shop, and you’re bound to see a bottle or pack (or two) of celery seeds. You can even buy celery seeds online, but you need to assure yourself first that you’re only going to purchase the product from a reliable source.

Celery Seed reviews

Go online to do a quick search for celery seed reviews, and you’d be hard-pressed to see negative reviews pointing to the consumption and use of celery seeds. Many users claim it does wonders for them, but it should also be noted that each person’s body is different. As a result, eating celery seed might produce different results from person-to-person.

The list of benefits to eating celery seeds is a long one, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take any precaution when consuming this particular spice.

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