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Can Ginger Alleviate Arthritis Pain?


There might be a lot more to this spice than its aromatic qualities.

Ginger may be beneficial in managing the inflammation and arthritis pain.ginger

Medical News Today published an article that delves on the different anti-inflammatory properties of ginger. I have summed up the main points in this blog post.

It is a flowering plant native to several Asian countries, as well as West Africa and the Caribbean.

Flash Facts

  • Studies have shown that ginger can have a positive impact on reducing inflammation and discomfort in people with arthritis when compared to control groups.
  • The medicinal properties of ginger are derived from the root or rhizome of the plant, and its stem.
  • Ginger is best consumed raw but is available in powder form, capsules, and oils, or as juice.
  • Other studies have indicated that ginger may be comparable to ibuprofen in terms of effectiveness.
  • The overall consensus

    The majority of current studies indicate the benefits of ginger, but some studies have also found no effect of ginger on relieving pain or reducing inflammation in arthritis.

    While more research is needed to provide any definitive answers, ginger is not considered harmful and is more likely to be useful in managing the symptoms of arthritis.

How to take ginger

It can be consumed raw or in powdered form. It can be consumed on its own and can be readily bought, as a capsule for oral consumption.

People use it in cooking, particularly in Asian dishes, such as stir-fry or curry. Alternatively, it can be brewed, as a tea, or made into syrup to flavor cold drinks.

It can also be applied directly to inflamed areas of the body in the form of a cream or oil.

Dosage should be kept around 2-4 grams (g), taken up to 3 times per day. However, it is recommended not to exceed 4 g per day.

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