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What is Liposomal Resveratrol?

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* Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Results achieved when using the product may vary from person to person.

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What is Liposomal Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is an active compound abundant in red wine, grape, and several other plants. Liposomal resveratrol is very useful in lot of ways.  Resveratrol, and liposomes in general, attracted global attention in the mid 1960s and later in 1992, as chemists came to realize that taking supplements in the form of liposomes made it so dosages could be significantly increased.  Resveratrol is a highly potent anti-oxidant, and over the long term can help to support overall health. Bear in mind that Resveratrol is a supplement-it is not meant to be a cure all, it is meant to be used as an addition to a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle. While we cannot directly claim how you will or will not feel when taking resveratrol, what we can do however, is simply offer guidance based on our own personal research and experience.


The popularity of liposomal resveratrol has grown substantially since its release because of the potent benefits people soon learned it could offer. Studies conducted in different parts of the world indicated that it is helpful as an anti aging product.* This means that it supports longevity and is founded from purely natural methods-a powerful anti-oxidant, high doses can be taken because of how the liposomes are activated following ingestion. Resveratrol reduces carbohydrate intake in the body, because it reduces the degree of carbohydrate utilization by the body’s critical organs. Resveratrol overall however, is a long term supplement, and while high doses can be taken at once to help it exhibit more short term effects (these can include increased energy and capacity to handle stress) it is best if taken over several weeks or months to gauge how its effects benefit you.*

Why should I use Liposomal Resveratrol

Use liposomal resveratrol because of the enormous benefits you can get from it with relation to your energy levels, immunity, and overall general health. Most of these benefits occur because of its antioxidant properties, and ability to take high doses without experiencing excess side effects (because it is the liposomal version of the supplement.) You should use resveratrol over the long term, and should only judge how the supplement effects your energy levels, vitality, (as well as more subtle things, like you feeling more rested in the morning, or your immune system just generally feeling healthier.) Resveratrol is a very potent antioxidant and research on the supplement supports theories that because of its active effect on the immune system.*

Side effects

Although  a myriad of benefits can be derived from consuming this supplement, there are some negative side effects associated with it.  Typical side effects of this product, all precautions aside, include possible headache, nausea, and increased thirst.* As with any of our items, side effects tend to increase if you go far above the normal precautionary dosages-always take what is recommended (give or take a little bit) and be sure not to go overboard with dosing-long term and short.


Interest in resveratrol started in the 1940s when it was first isolated from a tree called hellebore by Takaoka; specifically, it was found after being extracted from this trees roots. Because of the interest generated by this discovery, it stimulated more studies, as a result in 1963, it was isolated once again, in a professional setting, from the “knotweed” tree. Global attention about the product was generated in 1992. When it was discovered in red wine, researchers decided it could potentially have a protective effect against heart attack, and obesity related illnesses. Research has concluded that resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes.


Typical dosages of liposomal resveratrol range from 1-200 milligram taken once daily. You can experiment with doses much more freely once a trial with resveratrol has already been done, and you have tolerance and experience with how this particular supplement will affect you personally.* The factors that determine your dosage are your health condition, age, weight and tolerance, as with anything, dosages vary from person to person. This contains the dosage and quality of supplements available in them. If you are not sure of the dosage, it is recommended that you discuss with a pharmacist or a medical doctor who would guide you on how you would use them without entertaining the risk of excess side effects.

Typical Prices

Prices of liposomal resveratrol vary greatly based on the vendor you choose, so it’s extremely important you do your own research to help decide what the fair market value should be. Here at absorb your health, we offer a four ounce, eight ounce, and sixteen ounce bottle. Four ounces sells for 17.49, eight for 28.49, and 16 for 47.49.

Long-term effects

Liposomal resveratrol has many benefits that display a long-term effect on its users.  It is a great product for those who want to return to their youthful age in energy and vitality throughout the day.Liposomal Resveratrol was meant to be taken in the form of long-term regiments for those approaching old age, or for people who’s energy levels and zest for life is starting to decline.*

Clinical Trials and Research

This supplement, unlike many other nootropics and brand new “anti-aging” supplements, has a wealth of steady, well-financed research backing its efficiency as a long-term health aid.  This supplement is one of the best and strongest available for helping to improve overall immune system function, and affecting overall health.*


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