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Migraines and Food Allergies


Dietary changes may be key for the 26 million Americans suffering from migraines.

There may be a link between common food allergens, specifically dairy, wheat, processed foods and migraines.

If you suffer from migraines or other common ailments, it’s a good idea to do an elimination diet to see if certain foods you eat may be causing you pain. During an elimination diet you completely remove a specific food or food group from your diet and pay attention to how your symptoms respond.

If you have severe migraines, it may be helpful to:

-Eliminate all gluten products

-Eliminate the other 10 common foods that the Lancet study found helpful in making 85 percent of participants headache free

-Eliminate all artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame. My sister is one of many who will get a guaranteed migraine if she consumes any aspartame. Obviously, even if you don’t have migraines, there simply is no reason to ever consume aspartame

Focus on eating:

-Unprocessed whole foods

-Often raw or only lightly cooked

-Organic or grass-fed, and free from additives and genetically modified ingredients

-Foods that come from high-quality, local sources

-Carbohydrates that primarily come from vegetables

To read more about food allergies and migraines, click here.

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